While no exam, life insurance
The price of life insurance without a medical exam will depend on which type you select. The premiums for life insurance policies such as whole life and guaranteed issue will be higher than those for term life policies, which cannot accrue cash value. The coverage you receive will affect the cost of no-exam life insurance. Get a quote or speak to an agent to find out how much you will pay for no medical exam life insurance.
While no exam, life insurance
If you're considering buying life insurance at an older age, you should consider what you want from it. Do you want to leave a legacy to your loved ones in cash? Do you want them to be able to pay for your final expenses?
For a simplified issue policy you will be required to fill out a detailed questionnaire about yourself and your family. You will also be asked to access your past medical records. There is no need to have a medical exam. The only thing you will need to do is answer your questionnaire and access to your medical records.
The average life insurance company will increase your monthly premiums if you are older. There are many reasons this may be, but most of them revolve around the fact that people who reach 50 have more health problems. Over 50% of Americans are regularly taking prescription drugs.
The term is no exam life insurance
Many Americans are just too busy to schedule a medical examination. It can be time-consuming, and it can be frustrating.
You will need to think about certain things when buying life insurance after the age of 50. As life insurance premiums rise with age, the more time you wait to obtain a policy will increase. You may also be restricted from certain policies if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
It's easy to obtain life insurance quickly without having to undergo a medical exam. The application process is quick and easy, there's no waiting period, and you may be more likely to get coverage. This could allow you to get coverage you wouldn't otherwise be able (e.g., if you are a firefighter or construction worker, driver of a racecar, etc.). However, choosing a policy without a medical exam could increase your premium and reduce your coverage.
Can I get life insurance without a medical exam? Yes, some insurers offer no medical exam life insurance, usually called guaranteed issue or simplified issue policies.
Guaranteed issue, also called guaranteed acceptance, is a type of whole life insurance that requires no medical exam or health questionnaire. Most insurers only offer guaranteed issue life insurance to older adults, usually aged 50 to 80, although age limitations can vary by carrier.
Term and permanent life insurance options are available for individuals with a chronic illness. Some products, including simplified issue and guaranteed issue, are available without a medical exam. Policy options, premiums and coverage amounts may depend on how well a chronic illness is managed.